Datadreamers Pay white logo

Software and Payment Processing
Belong Together


Single Source, Pain-free Payment Processing


Many businesses live with the hassle of a tangled web of payment processing vendors that don’t work well together. This patchwork approach is expensive and causes numerous problems for restaurants and restaurant delivery services (RDS):

:no_entry_sign:Not knowing who to call for support – software company vs. processor

:no_entry_sign:Processing statements that are difficult to understand

:no_entry_sign:Daily, weekly and monthly reconciliation is a hassle
:no_entry_sign:Sitting on hold forever and then getting unclear answers
:no_entry_sign:Bank deposits are rarely what you expect
:no_entry_sign:New fees show up ‘out of the blue’

Our proprietary payment processing platform is baked into our restaurant delivery software solution. With DatadreamersPay, you get a single-sourced solution to solve your business needs – and the most important need of all – payments.

Your business will benefit from:

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Integrated Software + Payments

By combining software and payments, we’re able to lower fees, cut out confusion, and get better results for your business.

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Simple Payment Reconciliation

All your business reports are at your fingertips within the DataDreamers interface.

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Single Source

No more guesswork on who to call or what to do next. Now you have software, payment processing, and terminals – all in one place, with the people you know.

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Pricing You Can

Forget long-term contracts and rates that increase every year. With our simple processing rates, there are no hidden fees or mysterious charges.

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