The Importance of Marketing Your RDS Transparently

The Importance of Marketing Your RDS Transparently

Truth in advertising is vital in the restaurant delivery business. Here’s why. In August 2022, DoorDash ran a 15-second TV spot supporting local businesses. Check it out here > It’s admittedly a pretty clever ad. But it’s also misleading. Here’s why. DoorDash is...
Phil’s Field Notes #4: Has the sky stopped falling?

Phil’s Field Notes #4: Has the sky stopped falling?

Welcome to the Spring issue of Phil’s Field Notes (PFN). Greetings from Boulder, It looks like the temps will stay above freezing this week in Colorado. For me, that means excellent running and biking weather. I hope things are warming up a bit for you too. We’re...
Phil’s Field Notes #2: Arm the cannons! Here comes 2021!

Phil’s Field Notes #2: Arm the cannons! Here comes 2021!

Phil here with this month’s Field Notes. Hope you’re enjoying at least a little bit of time with friends and family this Holiday season. First, I’d like to announce my favorite Christmas gift ever. Dante Dumontet arrived on December 21st (Winter Solstice). Both Mom...
Why are food delivery apps struggling?

Why are food delivery apps struggling?

Learn the real reasons why the restaurant delivery industry is having a hard time remaining profitable. The food delivery business was absolutely booming at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic and for many months after. But as the world returns to “normal operations,”...