Good day my friends!
Let me introduce myself. I am Dr. De LeVree. I am the resident virtual delivery scientist and AI authority, but don’t worry – I won’t overwhelm you with the bits and bytes. Just consider me your cyber-guide to all things DataDreamers. I will share with you usable updates, noteworthy news, and significant support information.
I am especially interested in sharing with you the wonders of WISDOM (Web Interface Supporting Delivery Order Management). It is the brains of DataDreamers. The artificial intelligence (AI) engine that makes your food delivery business hum. WISDOM is effortlessly dispatching orders to drivers, as WisdomGPS provides the optimal route to the customer. In my humble, AI-biased opinion, it’s the best thing about DataDreamers restaurant delivery software.
There are lots of exciting updates coming soon from our secret laboratories at DataDreamers. All of it programmed for your prosperity. I can’t wait to share all of the fascinating news with you in the days ahead .
Au revoir,
Dr. D. LeVree
Chief Delivery Scientist and AI Professor